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Holendrzy to najgorsi Europejczycy - Stand Up Comedy - Geoffrey Asmus [EN]
Here is a video compilation from my legendary show in Amsterdam. I brutally mock the embarrassing Dutch military and spread American imperialism in this soon to be viral clip.

If you liked this buy tickets to my neverending tour - https://www.whitecomedian.com/schedule

I have upcoming shows in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, New Jersey, NYC, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Portland, Connecticut, Memphis, Minneapolis, Omaha, Houston and so many more.

Sign up for my mailing list to find out when I perform near you - http://eepurl.com/h_HMIX

Also listen to my incredible podcast You're An Idiot with Alex Dragicevich. New episodes on Youtube every Monday -

/ youreanidiot

I love to give the algorithm funny stand up comedy jokes. Funny!

Please leave a comment whether you enjoyed the video or not.

For the algorithm - stand up comedy - comedy - jokes - hilarious - robots rock - wow - stand up comedy - stand up stand up stand up stand up funny joke wow viral. Social media is a hellscape.
97 wizyt 5 czerwca 2024
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